Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Not A “Moment” Too Soon


This is a compensated review from BlogHer and Sprint

I was once under the impression that data phones were for 3 types of people: business leaders, techies, and snobs. Although I would have loved to get my hands on one, I couldn’t justify a data plan + snazzy phone for my SAHM (Stay at Home Mom) status.  Nor did I know that data phones offer so many helpful applications and organizational tools for

Thanks to an opportunity via BlogHer, I’ve been able to try out a Samsung Moment.  It’s a touchscreen phone loaded with Google Android applications including Google Talk (instant messenger), Google maps (with navigational capabilities), Gmail, etc.

So how has my Samsung Moment helped me as a mom?

A variety of ways…

~ Recipes in the kitchen without having to print a hard copy or look out of a cookbook

~ Pictures on the go and easy to share.  It takes better pictures than my first point and shoot camera. (3.2 megapixel)

~ Calendars - I’m able to sync my husband and my personal and set up reminders for the event at the interval I choose (1 day before, 15 minutes before, etc.)

~ Navigational turn by turn directions and maps. (Lifesaver!)

~ Weather Forecast/Current Conditions for Any Location

~ Bible – multiple versions, subject look up  

~ Toddler LockAllows the kids to “play” with the phone without causing any damage, all while they play with shapes/colors/music

~ Pandora – Streaming music based on your own preferences (Because good tunes can make your day.)

~ Connections – text messaging with a slide-out Qwerty keyboard, Twitter Applications, Internet, and very clear voice quality (you can’t tell it’s a cell phone)

And when in a real bind entertaining the quads there’s Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the SprintTV application.



The only real downside to my new Moment? Battery Life. (Which I hear is the downfall of ALL data phones.) I have to charge it everyday or more if I use it continuously. I’ve recently discovered that using wireless over the 3G and a task killer application helps reserve battery life.

Overall, I’m super pleased with the capabilities and connection perks that come with a Smartphone. And it all happened not a “Moment” too soon!

Here’s a MOMENT you don’t want to miss!

How would you like a chance to win a $300Visa Gift Card?

Sure! We all would!

Just leave a comment with a way to contact you (email, blog link, twitter handle) answering this question:

How would the Sprint Now Network™ help keep you connected and organized?

Official Contest Dates: 3/9/2010-3/31/2010

Please see the official rules here:

Also, head on over to the special offers page to check out 6 more awesome reviews and chances to win!  

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Is It Any Wonder?


This is a compensated review from BlogHer and Wonder®

wonderbreadKids need calcium, we all know that.  Getting kids to DIGEST the calcium is often the issue.  Thankfully our boys are milk drinkers, but did you know that just two slices of Wonder® Bread have as much calcium as an 8 ounce glass of milk?  Bonus, my boys LOVE their bread!  (Especially if it has peanut butter and jelly between the slices!)

And nothing beats that soft classic taste of Wonder®. Check out the Official Wonder® website for more!

Here’s how our family prefers to digest our calcium:


Is it any wonder that kids prefer the great taste of Wonder® over the alternatives?

You can win a $100 Visa gift card and a year’s supply of Wonder bread (that’s 52 coupons for one free loaf of Wonder® Classic White or Wonder® Classic White Sandwich bread) by leaving a comment telling your favorite way to eat your Wonder® bread.  Do you like it toasted? With BLT in between the slices? French toast, perhaps?

The contest runs from 10/5/09-11/4/09.

Important: Please Make sure that the email address you leave is correct!


  • No duplicate comments.
  • You may receive an additional entry by linking on twitter and leaving a link in the comments.
  • You may receive an additional entry by blogging about this contest and leaving a link in the comments.
  • This giveaway is open to US-residents, aged 18 and over
  • Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail.
  • You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
  • Please see the official rules here: Official Rules
Be sure to Check out other Wonder® taste-test results - you've got 6 chances to win $100 and a year’s supply of bread.   



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